Karaganda region - the country's largest industrial region and a powerful industrial center. Almost 1.4 million people live in the region. The employed population is 658 427 people with an average salary of 172 884 tenge.
Number of higher education institutions: 9
Number of students of higher educational institutions:44 549 (of them women – 22 998)
Number of graduates of higher educational institutions: 10 215 (of them women – 5 501)
Karaganda state technical University
Karaganda state technical University
Karaganda state technical University – state higher educational institution in the city of Karaganda, one of the leading in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the training of highly qualified technical personnel.
In 2014, the Agency "Expert RA" included the UNIVERSITY in the list of the best higher education institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where it was awarded the rating class " E».
In 2017, Karaganda state technical University according to the assessment of ncaoko took one of the leading positions, taking the second place among technical and agrotechnical universities.
Karaganda State Medical University
Karaganda State Medical University
Karaganda State Medical University - is the leading medical University of Kazakhstan for the training of qualified personnel for the health care system, has a high reputation in the field of providing educational, scientific and diagnostic services.
Currently, the University implements multi-level training: bachelor's, postgraduate (master's, residency, doctoral) and additional education. The training is carried out in the state, Russian and English languages. The University has more than eight thousand students. Graduates of KSMU successfully work in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.
Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova
Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova
Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova– state higher educational institution in the city of Karaganda.
The main asset of the University is a highly qualified teaching staff. Today, the University has 137 holders of the title "Best teacher of the University", 24 winners of State scientific scholarships for scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology, 57 winners of state scientific scholarships for talented young scientists.
Karaganda state technical University
Karaganda state technical University
Karaganda state technical University – state higher educational institution in the city of Karaganda, one of the leading in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the training of highly qualified technical personnel.
In 2014, the Agency "Expert RA" included the UNIVERSITY in the list of the best higher education institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where it was awarded the rating class " E».
In 2017, Karaganda state technical University according to the assessment of ncaoko took one of the leading positions, taking the second place among technical and agrotechnical universities.
Karaganda State Medical University
Karaganda State Medical University
Karaganda State Medical University - is the leading medical University of Kazakhstan for the training of qualified personnel for the health care system, has a high reputation in the field of providing educational, scientific and diagnostic services.
Currently, the University implements multi-level training: bachelor's, postgraduate (master's, residency, doctoral) and additional education. The training is carried out in the state, Russian and English languages. The University has more than eight thousand students. Graduates of KSMU successfully work in Kazakhstan, near and far abroad.
Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova
Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova
Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova– state higher educational institution in the city of Karaganda.
The main asset of the University is a highly qualified teaching staff. Today, the University has 137 holders of the title "Best teacher of the University", 24 winners of State scientific scholarships for scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to the development of science and technology, 57 winners of state scientific scholarships for talented young scientists.
Karaganda state technical University
Karaganda state technical University
Karaganda state technical University – state higher educational institution in the city of Karaganda, one of the leading in the Republic of Kazakhstan for the training of highly qualified technical personnel.
In 2014, the Agency "Expert RA" included the UNIVERSITY in the list of the best higher education institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States, where it was awarded the rating class " E».
In 2017, Karaganda state technical University according to the assessment of ncaoko took one of the leading positions, taking the second place among technical and agrotechnical universities.
The population of the Karaganda region as of October 1, 2024 is 1,134,300 people. The share of the urban population in the region is 81.9%, which corresponds to 929,000 people, and the rural population is 18.1%, or 205,300 people.
The average monthly nominal wage accrued to employees (excluding small businesses engaged in entrepreneurial activity) in the third quarter of 2024 was $735, which is 13.7% more than in the third quarter of 2023. The real wage index for this period was 103.7%.
Key indicators of the labor market by districts of the Karaganda region
Labor force (economically active population)
| thousand people |
Karaganda region
Karaganda city
520 467
Balkhash g.a.
city of Priozersk
Saransk city a.
Temirtau city
Shakhtinsk city district
Abaysky district
Aktogay district
Bukhar-Zhyrau district
Karkaralinsk district
Nurinsky district
Osakarovsky district
Shetsky district